33 thoughts on “Home

  1. Jamison S. says:

    Love the picture!

  2. Gloria Repp says:

    Beautiful picture — I feel a story lurking in those trees!

  3. Aron,
    You have a very nice entry in this week’s Flash Fiction.
    Good luck from one of your extended family.

    • aronjoice says:

      Thank you Dick,
      How very sweet of you. I’m still a bit uncomfortable, but you made me realize I should just keep trying. Whether it wins or not, we are all winners to be part of such a unique and caring group. I’m spreading my wings.

      • I’m missing your entries in the FF! Is there anything I can help with?

        • aronjoice says:

          Courage. I feel like the lion from the Wizard of OZ, which by the way has just been put on the banned book list.I am in the middle of the KDP Select program, and just released my second in the series. I am working on two other books, different genres, and I guess I am just in the thick of it. I promise to get back to the entries after this week comes to a close.

          Thank you for your support and offer. I appreciate your encouragement.

          • You sound like you are working on the right priorities. Don’t let me take you away from the important things. I just have been missing your entries and wanted to make sure you were not discouraged.

            • aronjoice says:

              Maybe a little discouraged, but not out of the race. Everything just crept up on me, and I am trying to keep up the momentum.

  4. Two of your votes last week were mine and my editor’s. I read this week’s and I liked it. Keep going. These exercises boosted my talent, and after about three months of entries, mine started to get some support.

    • aronjoice says:

      You inspired me to move forward, I thank you and your editor. I am actually enjoying it, and I’m not overly concerned about winning. I think it will expand my horizons(I know, an old cliche). I may not have continued without your feedback.

      • Someone helped me at IU to continue my entries…now I have forwarded that. We need many more talented authors at IU. Welcome again. I look forward to your being in next year’s anthology.

        • aronjoice says:

          I try to pay it forward .Anything I have leaned along the way I share. Water the tree and it will grow. Thank you for allowing me to think about the possibilities and the inclusion.

  5. Terri Johnston says:

    Aron, I’ve read and enjoyed your entries in the Flash Fiction contest. I voted for your entry last week. I am a long time friend and schoolmate of Dick Waters and proofread his novels. I saw and liked your entry this week, but think when you wrote “What did this?”, you really meant to write, “Who did this?”. I don’t know if you can correct it once your entry has been submitted, but I just thought I should mention it. I sometimes look over Dick’s entries before he submits them to see if I catch something that he might have missed. Maybe you can find someone who would be willing to do the same for you. Keep writing. I enjoy your entries. Good luck in this week’s contest.

    • aronjoice says:

      Terri, first thank you for liking my entry; I do appreciate it. Dick’s support has given me the courage to keep trying. You can’t fix anything once it is entered, however, it was “How did this?” as in “How did this happen?” Maybe I should have used ellipsis? I try to be careful with those little devils. I hope to improve my craft; writing is my passion. Thanks for the good luck wishes. The entries this week are different and entertaining.

      • Terri Johnston says:

        Thanks for the explanation. When I first read it, I thought you forgot the word ‘happen’ but then thought you meant to write “Who did this?”.
        Dick’s a great guy and I’m sure will be a loyal supporter to you and your writing. Keep up the good work. I’ve read all the entries in this week’s contest and unless something changes drastically before the vote tomorrow, you’ll have mine. Again I’ll say, “Good luck!”

        • aronjoice says:

          That is why editors are so important. Writers have all these scenes playing out in their minds, and a remark could become an very bad oops moment. Without an editor’s expertise, a writer may never question if their intended statement is correct. Thank you for your observation. A second set of eyes is imperative.

  6. I rest my case about having ‘followers.’ Your entry fit the scenario, but the one in the lead, in my opinion, did not. Don’t let it get you down. I suggest you share your entry separately in an email to some of your friends, and ask them to read the entries that week, and vote for their favorite. Just a suggestion.

  7. Good luck on your entry this week. I’m glad you entered again.

  8. Athena Brady says:

    Hi Aron, what amazing artwork, I will pop over to his website now. If you ever need a proofreader for your flash fiction send it to me. You are such a loving supporter of others and my world is blessed to have you in it.

  9. aronjoice says:

    Thank you for your support. I enjoy helping others and try to pay it forward. You will love Steve’s work, he is mind boggling. Special thoughts going your way.

  10. Good luck this week Aron…you have my vote!

  11. aronjoice says:

    Thank you Dick. I believe It is an exercise in futility as far as my writing skills, but I will try. There are many wonderful entries this week, some brought tears to my eyes. Book two is released, one good review so far, working on # 3 plus 2 others. What can I say I’m a masochist.

  12. aronjoice says:

    Methinks you may be right Sir.

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